Craniosacral Osteopathy - Bioresonance Method

Margot Marschall
Naturopath, Exercise scientist, MSc. (Human Movement Science)

Welcome and thank you for your interest in my work. I am available for you by arrangement.

Following my degree in sport science (MSc Human Movement Science, University of Wollongong, Australia) I worked 15 years in orthopaedic clinics.
I discovered the bioresonance method and the craniosacral osteopathy, was very impressed and fascinated and attended the professional trainings.
Finally I participated in the German naturopath training and became a „Heilpraktikerin“ and am now combining my knowledge from all areas.

The main features of my work are:

  • bioresonance method, e.g. allergies
  • craniosacral osteopathy
  • adaptation of the Feldenkrais technique
  • ergonomics
  • individual exercise prescription
  • training of posture and gait
Margot Marschall - Bioresonanz

„I am still greatly surprised about the effectiveness of these gentle therapies and the way the body relates and reacts to these slow and attentive treatments.

It is a great pleasure for me to be able to work in this way with you.“

Bioresonance Method ...

… is like homeopathy and acupuncture a complementary, regulatory method and so far not approved by conventional medicine.Yet according to the court (Oberlandesgericht München, 2009) the general public may be informed, that allergies can be treated with the Bicom Bioresonancemethod.

The Bioresonance Method is based on Qantum physics, which proved that elementary particles can be described as waves and particles.

It can use these waves or frequencies to detect and reduce disturbing influences caused by toxins, e-smog, scartissue, etc. The cell communication within the body can be improved and this can lead to a reduction of interferences and to an improvement in bodily function.

Margot Marschall - Naturheilpraxis

Possible indications for Bioresonance Method:

  • allergic reactions
  • food intolerances
  • cleansing of body tissues
  • interference fields caused by scartissue, e-smog
  • anti-smoking support

Craniosacral Osteopathy...

Margot Marschall - Naturheilpraxis in München

….is based on the work of Drs. Still, Sutherland and Upledger and works with the rhythm of the craniosacral system in the body.

This rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid can be impaired by muscular tension, emotional discomfort, stress or traumatic experiences and this could have negative effects on our health.


The extremely gentle Craniosacral Osteopathy can reduce these disturbing changes, restore the natural functioning and enable the body to activate its self-healing potential, and the mind to experience a very welcome relaxation.

Possible indications for Craniosacral Osteopathy:

  • stress related conditions
  • musculoskeletal pain and discomfort
  • lack of energy